
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Had a great get-away to ORANGE to see all the folks! Rory did pretty well during the car ride & slept mostly. (She probably feels like a baby prisoner in her car seat...poor thing!) While visiting Chad's 'rents I also got to see Kirk, Em, Savannah, Abby, Grandmother, & Uncle Glenn. Savannah is soooooooooo adorable. We played with a ball then made pretend coffee (with pretend sugar & all!) but it was too hot to drink so I taught her how to blow on it. Ha! And Abby & Rory had fun together showing off by (nearly) sitting up. Abby has the BIGGEST & prettiest blue eyes! I actually got to hold her some too! (Usually I'm chasing after Rory.)

Rory also got to see both of her great grandpas! How amazing is that! We went to Robert's Meat Market to eat with Grandpa B. (Ya strange name for a restaurant but pretty good 'home cookin' food.)Then got to see Grandpa S & he had her on his knee singing "Washed by the Blood of Jesus". She loved it! :)

Then mom, Rory, & I went to Beaumont to shop. Rory did pretty well but I bet she'da like to have stayed with Grammy more! There was a HUGE Babies'R'Us sale so she got tons of new clothes & a new driving toy - which has a steering wheel (thanks mom aka Mimi!). Rory kinda likes her new toy but mostly wants to yell at it...maybe I taught her that after yelling at many crazy drivers on the road... uhhh-oooo! Plus her Grammy gave her new "chew toys" which she really likes. (Oh dear, that sounds bad... teething toys.)

Anyways....had a fun trip! I'm so blessed with such an aWeSoMe family! (Pics to come)

Tonight went to my 1st Zumba class at the rec center. Sweet Kristen (fellow dr's wife) joined me. It was so much fun! I'm thinking I'll be sore tomorrow but sign me up for next week's class! It's a grrreeeaaaat workout!

1 comment:

  1. im definitely sore!! and this last time was harder i thought!! love your blog! so glad i found it!
